Five of us packed ourselves and our gear and the teaching materials into the Bensons' truck. We were headed to the 3rd round of workshops, happening simultaneously in 3 towns far into the country, all training women to teach the Word. In 4 days, we traveled from Huánuco to each different location, all several hours apart along unpaved gravel roads. It may have been dusty but it was beautiful!
In each small town, women came from all around to advance their understanding of Scripture and how to teach other women.
They studied the Word:
Learned teaching techniques:
Worked in small groups:
And enjoyed activity times together:
What a blessing it was to hear of the
progress each is making in her own teaching "practicuum". Every trainee's homework is to teach the Bible lessons herself before returning to the next workshop. We were excited to hear stories of women who are teaching
multiple classes. One girl of
12(!) is teaching men, women, and children in her church. Another lady approached Jan thanking her for giving her the opportunity to read, learn, teach, and promote the Gospel in Quechua, the
only language many of her women friends speak.
Women of all ages, like the girls below, are hearing the Good News, learning how to study the Bible, and growing in their ability to teach. Praise God and pray for this effort.