Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Peruvian Navidad

Looking for my Lima church's Christmas play, some friends and I stumbled into an Episcopalian service. It was a beautiful church, and these windows depicting the early life of Christ were done by a local artist.

The play charmingly included lots of child actors, and the story described the U.N. searching hard for world peace when there was only news of war...eventually finding it only in Jesus Christ. I really liked the Peruvian Baby Jesus.

(The girl in red, black, and white, is a classic take on the criolla culture, originating with Africans who were taken here by force, and now have made a huge impact on Peruvian culture, especially along the coast.)

Jan, Ruth, and I went down the Lima coastline for lunch one day. If the drop off and highway weren't dramatic enough, the restaurant with this view is called "El Salto de Fraile", literally "The Jump of the Friar" and has a coinciding folktale of a love-sick (of course) monk who jumps to his death. The tiring job of recreating the jump falls to this strapping young man:


stormi esperanza said...

oh my goodness! and he didn't get hurt? that coastline is amazing...does it make you miss oregon? your train story is hilarious! i don't even know if we had a dining car on the italian train...but i couldn't communicate well enough in italian to have that experience. yeah, day travel is better. cheaper too. and i kind of like sleeping not swaying...
hey, will you be ''home'' this summer?

amy lineburg said...

Crazy enough he does the jump all day long! It's pretty impressive. I don't know for sure yet about when I'll be home, but either summer or fall I'll be around for at least a few months. Will you come back to Oregon when you're done in Spain? Was it hard to tell them no about an additional year? I didn't have a hard time thinking about leaving Peru until I had been here more than a year and a strong support system (friends). At least that was my experience. I'm praying for your process in thinking over your next steps!