Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Numbers

4 – the number of pages of my single-spaced 10 pt Arial To Do list

16 – the number of days until I leave for Peru

5 – the number of books in my Spanish self-taught course

85 – the percent of monthly support I am currently receiving. (Praise God!)

3 – the number of weeks I’ve been house-sitting in SW Portland

9 – the number of months old my niece will be when I leave for Peru

2 – the number of services I’ll be sharing in at my home church next Sunday

0 – the number of times I’ve second-guessed moving to Peru to work with Wycliffe

Countless – the number of minutes I’ll be missing family and friends, but thanking God for His hand of direction and His peace.


lyss said...

AMY!!! Finally, somewhere I can actually post a comment! I just stumbled across the ORSIL blog about an hour ago and have been on the verge of laughing and crying--so excited to see what people have been up to! But alas, I'm not a member, so I can't post there. Ahh, but this makes me feel better. Wow, you leave for Peru really soon, and you're in SW ptown right now? I'm in SE. Why haven't we done anything?? ::struggles to regain composure:: Anyway, I'm far too excited after having run in to a bunch of dear, dear people on here! I'll surely be praying for the Lord's continued guidance for you on your journey!

Love, Alyssa

...too many exclamation points...yikes, and this is the longest comment I've ever written. heh.

amy lineburg said...

Hi!!! Yes, we need to connect! It makes me sad I haven't seen you yet! I'll look up your email and send you one right now.
