Friday, November 16, 2007


Some of you know that "The Princess Bride" is one of my favorite movies. I'm mostly a fan of Inigo Montoya's quest for the 6 fingered man who killed his father, but if ROUS's want to make a comeback, I'm all for it. The photo below was taken by a friend while visiting the high jungle city of Tingo Maria. They were looking in another direction, when her sister said, "What is THAT?" She whipped out her camera to catch this shot. We're all still wondering many things, not the least of which is, who taught that Rodent Of Unusual Size how to HOLD ON to a person on a bicycle?!!


Anonymous said...

ok, that is Freaky with a captial F! i hope i don't have nightmares about that tonight? did you ever figure out what that is??? YIKES!

angela :-)

amy lineburg said...

Oh I hope not either! I thought it was kinda funny...and maybe it means there is also Fire Swamp somewhere around here?

(They do have a lot of large animals here that basically rodents - but they don't seem like big rats. For example, nutria and capybaras both are natural to Peru, and are SO cute! I'm guessing this guy is a nutria, but couldn't say for sure.)

stormi esperanza said...

well, in the words of Wesley, "ROUS's? I don't think they exist." it must be a cat with a serious weight problem...but you're probably right about the nutria, although i didn't know they could be tamed--i thought they had serious attitude problems and only wanted to bite the hands that fed them. lol.

amy lineburg said...

As impossible as it sounds to train a nutria, I could never have trained any of my cats to hold on to me like that! Every time I think about this my brain implodes a little. :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like a quatamundi.

amy lineburg said...

That sounds scary.