Saturday, July 01, 2006


Please pray for the 24 students in my class and for the over 50 students studying at Oregon SIL this summer.

Many like Jessica (not her real name) are still looking for what the next step will be in here life. I have committed to Jessica to pray with her over the summer, and listen with her for God's voice and direction.

Others, like John and Janelle (not their real names) have come here from Asia, and will have their first child after they return there at the end of the summer. They are wondering how God will use them into the future that area in that area.

Sharon (another pseudonym) is from a local Native American tribe and is learning about linguistics in order to see her language revitalized. I'm praying she will be inspired by the vision that we have for this kind of work because of Jesus - He loves her language and culture!

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