Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's a Jungle out there!

Last weekend I spent my first night in the jungle! Traveling down the eastern slope of the Andes, we reached Tingo Maria in just 3 hours.

We spent about 30 minutes waiting for these two bus drivers who were nose to nose in the middle of landslide debris. I heard that's not very long to wait for someone to back up. Ironically they were from the same bus company, but neither driver felt he should be the one to move. You can imagine that nobody gets very far down the road when cars are line d up single file yet facing both directions!

Emily and Katie, two friends who work with Paz y Esperanza (see blog about the River Swing), came with the Bensons and I. It was a great break from "the routine", which doesn't feel much like a routine yet. :) I'll post more jungle pix and stories soon!

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