Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Food & Friends

Two of my friends decided it was time I learned how to make my favorite Peruvian dish, Ají de Gallina. So they came over last Friday and we cooked together for a few hours, one of my favorite things to do.

Ají de Gallina literally means Pepper of the Hen and the idea is that you can use your oldest, toughest bird, simmer it in this spicy yet creamy sauce, and get a fantastic result. It's served over rice and potatoes, with hardboiled egg and olives as condiments. As an added plus, we made a refresco, or drink, out of apple, cocona, and maracuya. Peruvian food is certainly not a hardship!


Anonymous said...

YUM! Can I have some? LOL! Amy, you look great! :-)


amy lineburg said...

Come on over!! :) Thanks, Angela!

stormi esperanza said...

ditto on all that! i would love to have some too! ;) spain definitely (fortunately) didn't conquist (i know it's not a real verb...work with me) their food--glad the americas kept their nice spicy food (food here is pretty blasé). blessings!