Friday, July 13, 2007

Why does a farmer farm?

I spent a week in June at this building outside Lima, helping with a management workshop for three Quechua organizations. We were teaching planning strategies that help focus the resources and activities of an organization on meeting its ultimate vision.

Most Quechua people are well-acquainted with farming so they appreciated this analogy: A farmer doesn't get distracted by unnecessary irrigation projects or on building up his supply of an unusable fertilizer. His goal is also not to grow crops for their own sake. His sights are set on improving his family's well-being through nutritional food and income. Results-based management aims to direct the gaze of an organization on its ultimate goal, and in doing so, align its projects and resources to meet that goal.

Being the facilitator for this group from central Peru was an adventure (see photos below). We crossed a few language and cultural gaps and had a good week creating plans for their organization. They are running many diverse development programs, as well as planting churches and starting a translation of the Old Testament, having finished a New Testament several years ago. Having worked in development for several years, their holistic, grass-roots programs were very exciting for me to hear about.

I am really enjoying helping add capacity to the local Quechua organizations in the area of strategic planning. I'm grateful that I received so much valuable experience while at my last job in the States! It's exciting to pass on techniques and ideas so these amazing ministries can be even more effective into the future.

My team with their graduation certificates.

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